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Certification Trademark

The Native Angus® Preservation Society has registered the Certification Trademark "Native Angus®" in the U.K. and has applied for trademark in several other countries.


A Certification Trademark is “... a mark indicating that the goods and services in connection with which it is used are certified by the proprietor of the mark in respect of origin, material, mode of manufacture of goods or performance of services, quality, accuracy or other characteristics.


In the case of "Native Angus®", the characteristic being certified by the mark is that the beef cattle are the direct descendants of original Angus cattle and have no ancestors in their pedigree that are not also descendants of those original Angus cattle. A full definition of the characteristic is included in the certification Regulations.


A copy of the Trademark grant is available for download.


Who Can Use the Trademark?

The certification mark is available for use by any person or organization whose beef cattle demonstrate the relevant characteristic being certified. 


Application for certification and authorization to use the trademark can be made by any person or organization; membership of the Native Angus® Preservation Society is not a requirement for certification. 


A Certification Application Form is available for download.


Certification Process

A copy of the certification Regulations is available for download.


Certificate and Authorization to Use Trademark

Where certification is granted, the Native Angus® Preservation Society will issue a certificate (in electronic form) designating the applicant animal as Native Angus®. A certificate (in electronic form) will be issued designating the owner of the applicant animal as a Certificated User and authorizing use of the trademark for the applicant animal.


It is a condition of use that the mark shall not be used without indicating that it is a certification mark, typically in the form "Native Angus®".


Certification Fees


  • Included in Membership Fees.


Certificated User Fees

  • Initial licence fee for the issue of a certificate to a Certificated User authorised by the Society to use the Mark of Certification is £20. This is subject to VAT.

  • Annual Certificated User licence renewal fee is £10. This is subject to VAT.


Animal Certification Fees​

  • Animals registered with the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society (UK)  - £5. This is subject to VAT.

  • Animals registered with other Recognized Angus Societies  - £10. This is subject to VAT.


A list of currently Recognized Angus Societies is available for download.

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